The Performance Dashboard is intended to assist CoC members and interested members of the public in understanding general outcomes of the CoC as a whole, including, when possible, the ability to identify areas where outcomes are unequal between various breakout populations based upon HMIS (Homeless Management Information System) data. This dashboard contains several tabs which allow individuals to identify trends to review whether the CoC appears to be moving in the desired direction. Answers to frequently asked questions, general information, and definitions used in the dashboard are available below the dashboard.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is this data gathered?
All calculations in this dashboard are based upon information that has been entered into the HMIS. If individuals or agencies have concerns that the data ICA has for their project is out of date or inaccurate, they are encouraged to reach out to the helpdesk at so it can be updated or corrected.
Why include only HMIS-participating projects?
ICA, as HMIS Lead Agency, has direct access to data only for projects which utilize the HMIS. Projects which do not utilize HMIS do not provide the level of detail necessary to ICA to be included in this dashboard. If projects wish to learn about participating in the HMIS so that they may be included in this and other reports and dashboards, they are encouraged to reach out to the ICA Missouri Helpdesk at
Why are these numbers different from the report(s) I pulled or found?
This report's calculation methodology varies from other common reports (including the PIT/HIC, SPMs, LSA, BfZ, and others) and may result in different numbers than are pulled directly from HMIS by end users. It also combines information about clients served across the entire CoC, and HMIS users are not able to pull CoC-wide reports on their own. In particular, this dashboard is different from most reports and dashboards because it includes both clients who are actively experiencing homelessness, those who are receiving assistance to prevent them from becoming homeless, and those who are housed through CoC or CoC-affiliated programming.
Dashboard Measures
This dashboard contains information on 6 measures regarding the performance of the CoC according to the data entered into the HMIS. Each of the 6 measures is described below. Some of these measures are inspired by HUD's System Performance Measures, but are not intended to align exactly.
Actively Enrolled Clients
This measure allows the CoC to see how many deduplicated clients are enrolled in CoC or CoC-affiliated programs which use HMIS during each month. The "Clients" tab shows the overall month-to-month changes and a population comparison filter.
Successful Exit Destinations
This measure allows the CoC to see what percent of clients, who exited each month, went to a destination that is considered successful according to HUD's System Performance Measures specifications (see appendix A: Exit Destinations). The "Exits" tab shows the overall month-to-month changes, including trend line(s), and includes a population comparison filter.
Chronically Homeless
This measure allows the CoC to see what percent of clients met the federal definition of chronically homeless according to the information in the HMIS. The "Chronic" tab shows the overall month-to-month changes, including trend line(s), and includes a population comparison filter.
Increases in Income Since Project Enrollment for Housing Projects
This measure allows the CoC to see what percent of clients have had an increase in income since project enrollment for certain housing projects according to the information in HMIS. The "Income" tab shows the overall month-to-month changes, including trend line(s), and includes a population comparison filter.
Note: This measure is applicable only to transitional housing, rapid rehousing, other permanent housing, and permanent supportive housing. When "All Programs" is selected, it shows the combination of the four program groups. The indicator on the "Summary" tab and graph on the "Income" tab will automatically hide for other program groups.
Data Entry Timeliness
This measure allows the CoC to see what percent of entries into HMIS met the CoC's data timeliness standard (0-1 days after client enrollment). The "Timeliness" tab shows the overall month-to-month changes, including a trend line. Population comparison information is not available for the "Timeliness" tab.
Average Length of Stay in Shelters
This measure allows the CoC to see what the average length of stay is in shelter programs. The "Length of Stay" tab shows the overall month-to-month changes, including trend line(s), and includes a population comparison filter.
Note: This measure is applicable only to emergency shelter and transitional housing. When "All Programs" is selected, it shows the combination of the two program groups. The indicator on the "Summary" tab and graph on the "Length of Stay" tab will automatically hide for other program groups.
Program Groups
The Program Groups filter allows users to select whether to view a deduplicated set of all clients served within the HMIS, or a deduplicated count of clients served within a specific program group. Definitions of each program group are below:
All Programs
For the purpose of this dashboard, All Programs reflects a deduplicated count (meaning each client is counted only once per month) of all clients receiving services from one or more projects within the St. Louis City Continuum of Care.
Access Points
For the purpose of this dashboard, Access Points are projects which are designed to connect clients to other projects, such as shelter or the housing prioritization list. In HMIS, these are projects which are classified as Coordinated Entry projects, excluding the projects for the housing prioritization list.
Emergency Shelter
Emergency Shelters provide temporary shelter for persons (or specific subgroups of persons) experiencing homelessness,and include projects which provide hotel/motel vouchers to those who are unable to access facility-based shelters.
Homelessness Prevention
Homelessness Prevention projects provide services and/or financial support to prevent a person from moving into a shelter or onto the streets.
Housing Prioritization List
The Housing Prioritization List is a list of all clients in the CoC who have requested support from the CoC in obtaining and maintaining permanent housing. The majority of the clients on the Housing Prioritization List are experiencing literal homelessness (meaning they live on the streets or in a shelter), though a small portion of the clients may be homeless under other definitions, such as fleeing domestic violence.
Other Permanent Housing
Other Permanent Housing projects provide permanent housing for those who were homeless prior to entry and do not require proof of a disabling condition in order to receive services from the project. These projects may or may not provide additional supportive services to clients. The CoC has very few of these projects participating in HMIS, and the projects that do participate are very small (based on numbers of clients served).
Other Services
For the purpose of this dashboard, Other Services projects do not provide residential support but are otherwise intended to help persons who are homeless or formerly homeless obtain or sustain permanent housing. This includes, but is not limited to: child care programs, employment assistance, day centers for homeless persons, and transportation services.
Permanent Supportive Housing
Permanent Supportive Housing projects offer a combination of permanent housing and supportive services to assist those who were homeless and are disabled to live independently. This includes projects which are sometimes called Shelter Plus Care.
Rapid Rehousing
Rapid Rehousing projects provide short- or medium-term assistance to help a homeless individual or family move from homelessness into permanent housing as quickly as possible, then assists them in working to become stable in that housing. Rapid Rehousing programs may provide assistance for as little as one month or as long as 24 months, depending on program design and client need.
Street Outreach
Street Outreach projects provide services to persons who are unsheltered in order to connect them with shelter, housing and other critical services, and to provide other appropriate and needed services to those who are unable or unwilling to access shelter, housing, or other supportive services.
Transitional Housing
Transitional Housing projects provide temporary housing designed to facilitate the movement of persons from shelter to housing within a period of no more than 24 months.
Population Comparisons
The Population Comparisons dropdown, where available, is intended to allow users to identify areas where outcomes are not equal, especially where one sub-population may be meeting the goal while the other sub-population may not.
Black, Indigenous or Persons of Color (BIPOC)
For the purpose of this dashboard, the race and ethnicity options have been consolidated into BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, or Persons of Color) and non-BIPOC (also known as White alone).
Clients who identify as any of the following are considered BIPOC for this dashboard: American Indian, Alaska Native, or Indigenous; Asian or Asian American; Black, African American or African; Hispanic/Latina/o/e; Middle Eastern or North African, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. Clients who answered only White are listed as non-BIPOC.
Clients who declined to provide race and ethnicity data are excluded from the breakout graphs.
Gender Identity
For the purpose of this dashboard, the gender identity options in HMIS have been consolidated into three options.
If a client identifies solely as a Woman (or girl, if a child), then they are shown here as "Woman (Girl, if child)."
If a client identifies solely as a Man (or boy, if a child), then they are shown here as "Man (Boy, if child)."
Clients who have identified with other genders (including transgender; questioning; or a gender that is not singularly "man" or "woman", such as non-binary, genderfluid, agender, or a culturally specific gender), multiple genders or no genders are listed as "other."
Clients who declined to select any gender are excluded from the breakout graphs.
Chronically Homeless
This indicates whether the individual, based on their family status, is chronically homeless in accordance with federal law. If the client (or for children, their head of household) has not provided sufficient information to determine whether they are chronically homeless, they are assumed not chronically homeless.
U.S. Military Veterans
For adults, this indicates whether or not the individual indicated they are a U.S. Military Veteran. All individuals under the age of 18 have been exempted from this part of the dashboard.
Adults who declined to answer whether they are a veteran, as well as individuals who declined to provide their age, are excluded from the breakout graphs.
Household Composition
For the purpose of this dashboard, singles are persons who have no other persons accompanying them. Couples are households made up of two individuals, one of whom has been identified as the head of household and the other having been identified as the spouse or partner of that individual. Families include all households with at least one individual identified as head of household and at least one individual identified as the child of the head of household.
Households which did not meet any of these definitions, usually due to data entry mistakes, are excluded from the breakout graphs.
Youth Households
Youth households are households where all household members are 24 years of age or younger. Households where one or more members declined to provide age information are assumed to not be youth households.
Medically Fragile (3+ Health Disorders)
A client is medically fragile if they have 3 or more of the 6 health conditions tracked in HMIS, which include: mental health disorder, substance use disorder, chronic health condition, HIV/AIDS, developmental disability and physical disability. Clients who declined to provide information for 4 or more health conditions are assumed to not be medically fragile for the purpose of this dashboard.
Mental Health Disorder
This indicates whether the individual has disclosed a mental health disorder. Clients who declined to provide information about whether they have a mental health disorder are assumed, for the purpose of this dashboard, to not have a mental health disorder.
Substance Use Disorder
This indicates whether the individual has disclosed a substance use disorder. Clients who declined to provide information about whether they have a substance use disorder are assumed, for the purpose of this dashboard, to not have a substance use disorder.
Survivor of Domestic Violence
This indicates whether the individual has disclosed that they are a survivor of domestic violence. Since this question is not asked for children, children are excluded from graphs when this option is selected.
What if I have other questions?
Questions about the dashboard may be directed to