Coordinated Entry (CE) is a process that ensures people experiencing a housing crisis have fair and equal access and are quickly identified, assessed for, referred and connected to housing assistance based on their strengths and needs.

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The charts above and below show clients entering (black) and leaving (green) Coordinated Entry and what that does to the total enrolled clients (blue) over time.

The table above shows the number of clients enrolled during the past complete month, the number of households those clients were in, the number of clients that were veterans, the number of clients that were in chronically homeless households (as defined here.), and the number of clients in a household where the head of household was 24 years of age or under.

The chart above categorizes clients that have entered CE in the past complete month into “Returning From Housing” (Clients that had an exit in HMIS to a permanent destination prior to enrolling in CE), “Returning” (Clients that had an exit in HMIS to a non-permanent destination prior to enrolling in CE), and “New” (Clients that had no exit in HMIS prior to enrolling in CE).

The chart above breaks down the Prior Living Situations of adults an heads of households entering CE in the past complete month into categories described in Appendix A of the HMIS Data Standards.

The chart above breaks down the Exit Destinations of clients leaving CE in the past complete month into categories described in Appendix A of the HMIS Data Standards.

The four charts above show various demographics breakdowns of clients in CE in the past complete month.

The remaining charts in the section below repeat the above information, but broken down by the local housing coalitions throughout Vermont.

The VT Balance of State CoC uses a Local Coordinated Entry Partnership model to help Vermonters experiencing or at risk of homelessness to get connected to the housing help they need as quickly as possible.

The Chittenden/Burlington CoC Coordinated Entry is a system to streamline access to housing supports and resources in Chittenden County. The system was developed to assess and match households experiencing homelessness for eligible services based on vulnerability, sustainability, and length of homelessness through a standardized, scored assessment. Each eligible household will be referred to a housing case manager and added to a master list of homeless households, which is reviewed on a weekly basis by coordinated entry partners for appropriate housing opportunities.

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