- Thursday, January 11th at 9:00am AKT or
- Thursday, January 11th at 3:00pm AKT
- To register for either of these times, please use this link: https://attendee.gototraining.com/rt/7435032154533362945
It’s time to talk about the 2018 Point in Time (PIT), Housing Inventory Count (HIC), and Project Homeless Connect (PHC) processes in Alaska! The PIT night across the State of Alaska will be on Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018, which PHC events occurring the next day, Wednesday, January 24th, 2018. As more information is available and more documents finalized, these will be posted on our website, so check back often! The 2018 Balance of State PHC form and the 2018 Unsheltered PIT Count form have been finalized.