HMIS Release of Information v2024 (English)

HMIS Release of Information v2024 (Spanish)

In 2021 the HMIS Advisory Board recommended to the Governing Boards of the four Continuums of Care to change the documentation requirements of the HMIS Release of Information. This is the result of changes in recommendations from HUD and their interpretation of the 2004 HMIS Data and Technical Standards of which HMIS is required to follow.

To access a copy of the current Documentation Requirement changes related to the HMIS Release of Information CLICK HERE

ICA staff, with the approval of the HMIS Advisory Board, updated the HMIS Release of Information (ROI) for agencies to use starting September 2020*.  With the inclusion of the Federal Partners, consent and data sharing is an important issue.  Agencies are required to ensure clients know what data are being collected about them and be given the opportunity to make choices about what personal and program related information is shared in HMIS and with whom.

The ROI breaks the data collected into different levels as instructed by HUD.  Agencies are required obtain client consent at each level.  Clients have the right to refuse any level of shared data.  As required by HUD, the ROI allows for clients to have more control over their own information.

*The HMIS ROI was updated again in March 2021 to indicate the new software vendor’s information.


*We make every effort to ensure this list is as accurate as possible.  However, agencies can join the shared HMIS data at any time, thus please check here often for the most up to date information available.