Password Expirations
Some of you may have noticed that your password expired earlier than expected. This occurred due to the Heartbleed bug that struck many SSL platforms used to manage SSL connections. Bowman installed a patch and then to ensure the security and integrity of ServicePoint, we asked them to expire everyone’s passwords.
Please reset your password with a brand new one to be safe.
PS. If you haven’t heard about this nasty bug and you’re curious, it’s all over news websites. Many systems were affected such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook, etc.
Evening New User Trainings Posted in May
The follow New User Trainings have been added for our users who work the night shift (though any New User is welcome to register!). Please see our website to register: and click on Wisconsin.
101 – May 12th 6pm
102 – May 13th 6pm
103 – May 14th 6pm
104 – May 14th 7pm
If you have any suggestions for additional trainings, please email
SOAR Training Available
The Racine CoC is hosting a SOAR training open to all homeless service providers serving clients with disabilities. The training is April 29th-30th. Please see the link below for the attachment.
Milwaukee CoC - Important Dates & Notes
The Milwaukee CoC funded agencies are set to hold their APR peer review work group on Wednesday April 16, 2014 at 10am at Hillside Family Center 1452 N. 7th Street. Please bring 5 copies of your APR to share with the group.
Agency Score Cards will be handed out for all Milwaukee Agencies on 4/16 or before. Since this data directly affects how the PIT numbers are reported, all corrections are due into the system by May 1, 2014! Results from the Score Cards and Quarterly APR will be sent to the Funding Opportunities and Provider Advisory groups.
City ESG funded agencies - New trainings are in the works for upcoming reporting requirements. Please Note: Shelters that receive City ESG funds, MUST be using ShelterPoint! If you are not, you will have to go back to January 2014 and input client data.
If you would like to participate in the HMIS work group, please contact Nancy and she will add you the email list.
Please refrain from using "Don't Know" as an answer to an already populated field. It is a timely project to correct those fields. We appreciate your assistance!
Agencies looking for one-on-one trainings, please contact Nancy to schedule.
Please make sure you have fulfilled your training requirements. Please refer to the HMIS user
agreement for more details.
Nancy Monarrez can be contacted via email at
Looking for WISP Related Documents?
The State is graciously continuing to host documents you may need access to, such as Household Income Limits and HEARTH Cheat Sheet. These items are located on and our trainings and WISP User Agreement are located on our new website
So “pardon our dust” as we are constructing the new site. Please check out both sites if you are looking for a particular document. As documents are updated, they will be transitioned to the new site.
Have a Great Day and Happy Spring!!!!