WISP News 5.14.2015

Congratulations Carrie!

ICA is proud to announce that Carrie Poser has accepted a new position as the CoC Coordinator for the Wisconsin Balance of State Continuum of Care. Carrie began her role as CoC Coordinator on May 1st and brings to the position a tremendous amount of knowledge, experience, and passion for homeless programs in Wisconsin. To fill this role Carrie will also be stepping down from her position on the BoS CoC Board of Directors, which she held since 2012. Jesse Dirkman, ICA Data Analyst for Wisconsin, will be joining the board in her place.
Carrie will be available to assist the northwest region in HMIS duties until her position is filled. 
Carrie’s new email address is carrie.poser@wibos.org.

Job Opportunity at ICA

ICA has an opening for the Wisconsin Northwest HMIS Regional Coordinator.  To see the job description and application information please go to the ICA website: http://icalliances.org/wisconsin/employment/.


Global Search

The Global Search feature of ServicePoint allows you to quickly search through any component of ServicePoint. This means that you don’t have to first go to ClientPoint to search for a client – you can search for a client right from the homepage. 

Where is it located? – The Global Search is found on the top right side of any screen in ServicePoint. Enter your search term where you see the words “Type here for Global Search.”

What to search for?  Global Search can be used to find clients, as well as many other things in ServicePoint. Type in your search term, then select the item for which you wish to search. 

Tips – When searching for clients it is helpful to use both the first and last names. If you search with just one part of a client name, the Global Search will automatically use that term to look for the last name.  

If you know your client’s Client ID Number, enter it into the Global Search and search for Clients. You will then go directly to your client’s record. 

Remember, the Global Search is available on any screen in ServicePoint. You don’t have to be at the homepage to use it.

 For more tips and tricks, visit previous newsletters in the WISP News Archive.