Reports, They Are A Changin'
By now we have become used to the never-ending report restructures, revisions, and additions, and this year will be no different. HUD has notified HMIS vendors of the changes they want incorporated into several different reports, the two most important for agencies being the HUD APR and HUD ESG CAPER. Per our vendor Bowman Systems:
Vendors have received programming specifications for updated versions of the CoC APR and ESG CAPER reports. These new versions will be released on/near October 1, 2015. The basic format for the APR will remain the same and the new ESG CAPER will mirror that format. Both reports will now contain sub-sections for Veterans, Chronically Homeless Clients and Youth.
In addition, there are some changes coming to the 2014 Data Dictionary. We do not know the extent or nature of these changes just yet. Some changes are to the wording of items on question picklists, but we do not know which ones are affected. These changes will not go into effect until October 1, 2015
We will provide more information and do training as we learn more about these changes.
Upcoming Trainings
Don’t forget to check out our training calendar and the variety of options available. Some examples of upcoming trainings:
Tuesday, June 30: 348 RHY ART Reports
Thursday, July 9: 440 ETH – Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Tuesday, July 14: 440: ETH – Shelter and Motel Voucher Programs
Open Enrollment at City of West Allis CDA Senior Apartments
The City of West Allis is now accepting applications for openings in one of its senior housing projects. Application process is online. If you have any clientele that would benefit from this housing option, please share this flyer.
Position Announcement
Homeless Connections: Street Outreach Case Manager
Click here for full position description.
Office Closed
ICA offices will be closed on Friday, July 3rd in observance of the Independence Day holiday. Have a safe and happy time!
Tips and Tricks
Recordings and Related Resources Page
Did you know that you can view training webinars on our website? We recently added a recording of 302: Data Clean Up Reports (ART), a training that provides an overview of reports available to clean up data in WISP.
For more tips and tricks, visit previous newsletters in the WISP News Archive.