WISP News 4.28.16

RHY Repository Upload Update

In response to some challenges experienced by RHY Grantees, the RHY Upload submission period has been temporarily suspended starting Monday, April 25, 2016 for 3-5 days in an attempt to simplify the process.  RHYPoint will be open for upload no later than Friday, April 29, 2016.  Because of this suspension, the RHYMIS/HMIS data submission period will be extended to Friday, May 6, 2016 by 8:00 pm. 

You will need to resubmit if your data contained Social Security numbers or if your files did not contain any client records.  If you have already submitted data to RHYPoint AND received a Data Quality/Completeness Report, you do not need to resubmit your data and do not need to take any further action. 

Once you submit your data you will be no longer get the long-detailed version of the Data Completeness.  You may receive a simplified Data Quality/Completeness Report the day after you submit.  Regardless of whether you receive a Data Quality/Completeness Report, you will receive a confirmation email stating that the data has been received.

If you have questions, please email www.RHYMISServicedesk.net

Upcoming Training Announcement

210 - Coordinated Entry - Family Referrals - Balance of State CoC

Thursday, May 5, 2016
1:00pm - 2:30pm

This training will show how to enter the VI-F-SPDAT assessment in ServicePoint and attach the assessment score to the Family Housing Priority List referral.

Local Shelter Volunteer Featured on TV Show

Lia, a volunteer at  Hope House of Manitowoc County, was featured on Rachael Ray on Wednesday, April 27th. Lia is a 12-year old girl who throws birthday, tailgate, and even Halloween parties for kids at the shelter.

The video clip can be viewed here.

Call for Photos!

We are looking for high resolution photos to include in our forthcoming annual report. If you have a photo you would like to share, please e-mail Kinnic Eagan

Tips and Tricks

ESG Related AAQ Response

One of the families that we served through Rapid Rehousng was a two adult household where one parent was coming from shelter (Category 1) and the other parent was coming from being doubled up (Category 2).  We delineated the Category 1 parent as the head of household, but still indicated in the other adult's data that he was Category 2.  Would it be best to leave his information listed as Category 2 or change it to Category 1 to follow the head of household's information?  Basically, how should this be documented?  – HUD AAQ submitted by Ellen Hildebrand in response to an agency’s question

“When a family is being reunited using ESG assistance, all members of the household should be given the same housing status in the HMIS. As you have suggested, the household may choose which family member to designate as the head of household, and this will determine what housing status should be assigned to all of the household members.” – HUD’s response

In HMIS, you would choose the Adult coming from shelter into Rapid Rehousing as the Head of Household and then use the Household Data Sharing functionality to ensure that all household members have their Residence Prior to Project Entry related questions answered the same. – HMIS guidance