In this Issue
- 348: RHY Art and November Uploading Traning
- 2016 Annual Security Training - Required for All Users
- Milwaukee CoC News
- November 1st - New Data Completeness Reports Available
- Employment Opportunity
- This Week in Data - New Dashboard!
348: RHY Art and November Uploading Training
There will be a RHY training tomorrow Friday, October 28th from 10-11:30 regarding the new RHY Data Quality and Completeness Reports and changes for the November upload. Please register on the ICA website at under the Upcoming Training calendar.
2016 Annual Security Training - Required for All Users
The NEW Annual Security Training version 2016 is available for viewing on our website. As a reminder ALL USERS* are required to take the Annual Security Training to maintain their license in WI’s HMIS. The training is a self-paced, computer audio generated training. There is a quiz. You must complete the survey at the end of the training to receive credit for attending the training.
If you have any questions, please contact your HMIS System Administrator or email the help desk:
A link to the training is provided below and it is also available by visiting the Recorded Trainings page of ICA Wisconsin’s website.
Click the link to view the training:
*New Users in 2016 are exempt from the requirement, however they are encouraged to view.
Milwaukee CoC News
- Milwaukee Staff: Milwaukee HMIS is fully staffed with 2 additional staff this year: Jack Kukuk as the WI Reports analyst and Zach Ehmann as the HMIS Coordinator. Nancy, Jack and Zach will be relocating to an office centrally located in Milwaukee. The location has still to be determined. We hope to have something solidified by the end of the year.
- Reports: Beginning in November, ICA will provide System Performance Measure reports to the Provider Advisory Group for review. Each month specific reports will be reviewed with updates provided to the full body.
- HUD Data Standards: As of October 1, 2016, all HMIS providers have been updated with the new HUD Data Standards. All clients that were active as of 10/1/16 should be updated to reflect the changes. If you did not attend the various trainings regarding the updates, please contact
- Housing Inventory Chart: All housing providers should ensure their bed utilization is updated to reflect its current bed capacity. The bed stock availability will be used for Coordinated Entry and referrals.
- Data Completeness: There are no Data Completeness Reports this month to allow agencies to update records. The new reports will be made available next month.
- Point in Time: The link has gone out to the PIT group to sign up for specific workgroups. If you have not received the email and are interested in signing up for the RHY, Donations, Outreach, Warming Rooms or Data Jam workgroups, please contact
- AHAR: The AHAR is complete and ready to be submitted. THANK YOU to all housing providers that worked on cleaning up any data issues.
- ETH: The Google Link has been completed and ready to be sent out to providers. Nancy & Zach will conduct a training in November prior to the deadline to ensue everyone is prepared on the new reporting requirements. That training has been scheduled for Thursday November 3, 2016 from 1pm to 3pm. Please register by clicking on the link: OR by visiting ICA’s website
- Chronic Homeless Initiative: The group has started meeting to flush out the data errors first then will reach out to providers for client updates. PLEASE make sure you are correctly documenting your client’s chronic homeless status. Zach will provide a document on how to track this data and not rely solely on client self-report.
- Veteran Taskforce Initiative: The group has started meeting again. Each provider is responsible for updating the google spreadsheet Nancy provides on a weekly basis. The City will be reaching out to those agencies who has not updated the Google Sheet on a regular basis.
Any additional questions or trainings needs can be directed to Nancy Esteves:
November 1st - New Data Completeness Reports Available
The new data standards update, which went into effect on October 1st, applies to all clients enrolled in or entering programs on or after 10/1/2016. On November 1st, the new data completeness report for Entry Exit and Service Based projects will be available in the Data Quality and Completeness Reports folder. Now is a great time to run the 2015 reports one last time for Federal Fiscal Year 2016 (10/1/2015 - 10/1/2016) and fill in any missing data before we turn over a new leaf next week. Stay tuned for data completeness report updates for the federal partner programs. (SSVF, RHY, PATH, etc.)
Employment Opportunity with City of Madison and Homeless Services Consortium
The City of Madison and Homeless Services Consortium is hiring a Continuum of Care (CoC) Coordinator. This position will work to implement a community wide process to manage and coordinate the efforts of local homeless providers and related organizations to meet the goals of preventing and ending homelessness.
This is a full-time limited term employment (LTE) position expected to last through 2017. Continued employment after 2017 is contingent on receiving annual grant funding. For more information please review the City’s job posting, application deadline is November 16th:
This Week in Data - New System Performance Measures Dashboard
Check out the NEW System Performance Measures Dashboard! This dashboard includes the data that your HUD Continuum of Care submitted for Federal Fiscal Year 2015 (10/1/2014 - 9/30/2015). Check out your community, and compare it to others in Wisconsin.