Recorded Trainings Change
We are changing how you view and receive credit for viewing the recorded webinars. Previously, when you clicked on the link you were prompted to enter your name and agency information before proceeding to Vimeo and entering the password. We are transitioning this process to improve tracking. Once the recording is transitioned, you will be directed to the video first, enter the password, and then to watch the recorded training. Once you watch the video, there is a link at the bottom for you to click on asking you to “Certify” you’ve watched the video in its entirety. The password has remained the same. Please let us know if you have any questions by emailing the Help Desk.
ICA Staff Member Selected for Penniman Prize
ICA's very own Demetri Vincze, a recent graduate of UW-Madison's LaFollette School of Public Affairs, was selected for the Clara Penniman Prize this year. The prestigious award is given to a graduating student who has written the most outstanding paper while a graduate student in public affairs. Demetri wrote a paper on policy options for reducing chronic homelessness in Madison. Congratulations, Demetri!
Welcome Home Veterans Pilot Program
The following is a message from Ellen Hildebrand, Program Manager at the Division of Energy, Housing, and Community Resources (DEHCR):
As many of you have heard on calls with DEHCR or at the recent BOSCOC meeting, DEHCR has put together a “Welcome Home Veterans” pilot program to serve Veterans experiencing homelessness. In this case, “Veteran” is defined as anyone who has served or is serving in the United States Military, including National Guard or Reserve. The Welcome Home Veterans pilot funds can be used for: First month’s rent, security deposit, utilities and utility arrears, and crisis assistance. It is important to note that a household must have identified housing or potential housing before being referred.
We anticipate that many of the referrals to the program will come from COC and ETH grantees and other homeless assistance agencies. Please follow the process in the attached “Welcome Home Veterans Pilot Referral Process” document to refer Veterans to the contacts listed in the attached “WHEAP Agencies Contact List.” Forms are also attached. The funds must be issued by September 30, 2016, so please start making referrals ASAP. There are two main situations when referrals should be made.
1. Veterans who are not eligible for other services due to discharge status, etc., and would not be referred to a rapid re-housing program based on their coordinated entry placement (i.e. low VI-SPDAT score): They may be referred to the WHEAP agency for short term assistance with pilot funds, and should be referred to the County Veterans Services Organization (CVSO) or VORP program for any other assistance needed. The CVSO officer can connect the veteran with veteran-specific programs and benefits, and the VORP program (available in northern rural half of state) can assist homeless veterans with behavioral health needs.
2. Veterans who are not able to enroll in veterans-specific programs, and who are being enrolled in an ETH-funded rapid re-housing program: These veterans may be assisted with ETH rapid re-housing AND Welcome Home Veterans pilot funds. In this case, the veteran should be assessed for eligibility for both ETH and the pilot program. If the veteran is eligible for both, they should be enrolled in ETH rapid re-housing and should work with the ETH-funded rapid re-housing case manager to identify housing. Once housing is identified, the client should be referred to the WHEAP agency for assistance. The WHEAP funding provided to assist the veteran must be counted as match on the ETH payment request form. So, during the first month, WHEAP may pay for security deposit, utilities, utility arrears, and rental assistance (counted as ESG match), while ETH pays for case management and housing search expenses. After the first month, the rapid re-housing program should operate as usual, using ETH funds and match to pay for expenses, and following their written standards for the remainder of the client’s time in the program.
Please contact Ellen Hildrebrand directly if you have any questions or concerns.
Employment Opportunities
Milwaukee HMIS Coordinator
The Institute for Community Alliances is hiring an HMIS Coordinator in the Milwaukee Continuum of Care. This is a full-time, salaried position located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Qualified candidates will possess a strong work ethic, be detail oriented, and have a desire to strengthen communities.
Job description and qualifications can be found here. Interested candidates should submit a resume with a cover letter by next Tuesday, June 14th to
HMIS Data Analyst
The Institute for Community Alliances is hiring an HMIS Data Analyst in Wisconsin. This is a full-time, salaried position located in Madison, Wisconsin. The HMIS Data Analyst is primarily responsible for generating reports and analyzing data from the statewide Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). Qualified candidates will possess a strong work ethic, be detail oriented, and have a desire to empower agencies to use data and evidence to help identify best practices and inform decisions.
Job description and qualifications can be found here. Interested candidates should submit a resume with a cover letter by Thursday, June 30th to
State of Wisconsin Section Manager
The Bureau of Youth Services in the Department of Children and Families is hiring for a Youth Services Section Manager. This new position will play a critical role in moving the work of a very talented staff forward. The position will directly supervise 4 staff and be responsible for forwarding DCF’s work in juvenile justice, independent living and adolescent prevention programming.
Please see the listing below and pass along to anyone you think might be interested.