HMIS Communications Committee

Join us!

Please consider getting involved in HMIS planning by either attending meetings, being added to email distribution lists, or joining one of the workgroups! All meetings are open to the public—please contact the chair to get involved.



Communications Committee membership is open to all interested parties.

Meeting Information

The Communications Committee meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 1-2:30pm via GoToMeeting.

Meeting documents


The HMIS Communications Committee provides overall communication to HMIS users and the general public about the impact that HMIS has in Minnesota. Its purpose is to communicate the goals of the HMIS Governing Board and to develop and update communication tools, including website, social media, annual user survey, publications, and press releases, for the community.

To this end, the Communications Committee responsibilities include:

  • Providing updates and suggestions for the HMIS website;

  • Creating marketing materials to increase awareness of HMIS throughout the state;

  • Developing communication tools and strategies for the Annual Meeting;

  • Identifying other communications methods that could be used to increase awareness about HMIS within Minnesota.