HMIS Finance Committee
Join us!
Please consider getting involved in HMIS planning by either attending meetings, being added to email distribution lists, or joining one of the workgroups! All meetings are open to the public—please contact the chair to get involved.
Abby Guilford | 763-458-9790 |
Finance Committee membership is open to all interested parties.
Meeting Information
The Finance Committe meets the 4th Wednesday of the month from 1-3pm at DHS and by GoToMeeting/conference call. Please note, if planning to attend in person, to contact Abby to ensure a name badge is prepared for you in advance.
Expand and take responsibility for the current 2019 – 2020 budget.
Identify resources to support expenses and expectations (what do we get with what we buy) as laid out in the Annual Workplan.
Recommend future budget (needed to support the HMIS model we are pursuing).
Recommend any changes to the finance plan to support the budget, including:
A “fair share” plan for each region/funder to contribute a proportionate amount to support HMIS.
Guidance for how local regions might secure additional funding.
Monitor income and expenses and suggest appropriate action to the board.
Coordinate work with the Policy and Prioritization Committee to develop recommendations for adjustments to priorities in the Workplan as may be indicated by finances.
Monitor State contracts.
Recommend/support fundraising activities.
Report to the HMIS Governing Board