ICA News -November 2024 - Iowa
Annual Security & Privacy Update
In-Person New User Classes
Monthly Data Updates
November Q&A
Help for New Students
Coordinated Entry News
HUD News
Security & Privacy Training 2025: Deadline Passed!
Locked out? This could be why.
The annual Security & Privacy Training was due last month. If you find yourself locked out of Servivcepoint, that could be why.
All HMIS/DVIMS users are required by HUD to do Security & Privacy training yearly.
The new 2025 class is now accessible through our Learning Management System (LMS) at icatraining.org.
Here's how it works:
Log in to icatraining.org
Click on the link for the appropriate class or simply paste the link in your browser if you are already logged into the LMS.
Enroll in the class by clicking Enroll.
Watch the videos.
Achieve a perfect score of 100% on the quiz.
Watch the video on how to correctly complete the online user agreement paperwork.
Complete your online user agreement paperwork.
Voilà! You will have earned your Security & Privacy 2025 Certificate.
Make sure to inform your director/authorized signer that Formstack will be sending them your paperwork for their signature.
You will receive a certificate for completing the training but if we have not received your completed paperwork you were be locked out
Please note that if you haven't completed the ICA Security & Privacy training by October 31, 2024, your account will be temporarily locked. Once you've successfully finished the training and paperwork, your account will be promptly unlocked.
Feel free to forward this message to anyone in your agency that may not have received it.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to us.
The Iowa Training Team
In-Person Training
Monthly In-person New User Classes
The ICA Training Team is excited to announce the continuation of optional in-person HMIS New-User training. This is to fulfill the need for users who will benefit from learning the system with a more hands-on approach, while still using the online training videos as additional tools. Below are the current dates we have set up along with the locations in which the trainings are taking place. If you are the person at your agency that requests new user trainings, and think that you have staff that would benefit from an in-person training experience, please fill out the form below.
Please note that online training is still available as an option if this does not fit your staff’s needs. If it is decided that in-person training is the best option, each student only need to attend one session. Each attendee will need their own laptop. The classes fill up at 10 attendees each.
Current In Person Trainings:
November Q & A
Welcome- ICA Staff Introductions- ( KarLee Kearns, Shawn McAninch, Kyndra Lobdell, & Susie McCarragher)
Security and Privacy Reminder
LSA Reminder 1:45
EVA Overview 4:07
Running a CSV File – uploading
Examples of the eva spreadsheet and how to correct
RHY – Locking down minor profiles reminder 11:12
Anything you would like added in the next Q & A send to support@icalliances.org
Next Q&A 12/3/2024 at 10:00am-
Monthly Data Update
ICA publishes a monthly data update describing the key indicators and changes in the population experiencing housing instability in the Balance of State and Polk County. We share this information monthly, and hope this presentation is easy to understand for members of your community who don’t necessarily live in the data the way HMIS professionals and service providers do but are interested and motivated to learn.
This Month’s Data Update
Help for New Students
Weekly Office Hour
In an effort to provide a better learning experience, we are incorporating a weekly "office hour" for anyone currently working on the new user ServicePoint (Community Services) test. This open Teams link will have a human on the other end every Thursday at 10:00AM . So, if you are a student struggling with their test or the system join us on Thursday mornings and be able to ask someone directly for help.
Test Help Office Hour - Thursday at 10:00am - Click here to join
Coordinated Entry Q&A Webinars
Coordinated Entry Q&A Webinars
Every month Coordinated Entry Specialists will be hosting a virtual Coordinated Entry Q&A for CE providers and community partners to discuss CE basics, policies, procedures, and much more.
Have specific questions? Not understanding how something works within CE? Let us know! We would be happy to talk more about it during one of our sessions
When? Monthly on the 1st Tuesday of every month, our next Q&A will be on:
Who should attend?
Any Coordinated Entry providers or community partners involved in CE across the state of Iowa and CE Regions who would like to learn more about Coordinated Entry or refresh their CE skills.
Where? Click her to join
HUD News
Register Today: YHDP APR/QPR Reporting in Sage – January 9, 2025 – 2:00 PM EST
This training provides Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) recipients with a guided walkthrough on how to complete Annual Performance Report (APR) and Quarterly Performance Report (QPR) submissions in the Sage Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Reporting Repository (Sage). The training covers each YHDP project type and includes a Q&A session for any questions about reporting in Sage. Additionally, it discusses the updated YHDP dashboard in Sage, which provides data on participants and outcomes from all rounds of YHDP funding. The training material will be relevant for all rounds of YHDP funding, including renewal projects, and recipient staff from all rounds of funding are welcome to attend. Register today!
Understand the YHDP reporting requirements for each project type
Submit complete and timely APRs and QPRs
Find additional help and resources for completing YHDP reporting
Review the updated YHDP Dashboard tool
This training is intended for program, financial, and administrative staff with YHDP recipient agencies who will be involved in reporting on their grant to HUD through Sage.
2023 CoC GIS Toolkits Now Posted
The 2023 HUD CoC GIS Toolkits for Communities are now posted on the HUD Exchange. The toolkits are published with 2023 Continuum of Care (CoC) data for each state and territory, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia.
The HUD CoC GIS Toolkit for Communities expands the mapping resources available to HUD Exchange users by providing a no-cost downloadable software tool that allows users to interact with professional quality GIS maps.
Each toolkit includes data on CoC Boundaries, HUD Geocodes and Preliminary Pro Rata Need, Housing Inventory Count data, U.S. Census demographics, detailed street maps, and more. Toolkit capabilities include mapping and saving addresses and other custom locations, producing custom routes with intermediate waypoints, and producing custom maps with annotation.
Users access pre-compiled projects through a free software product called ArcReader and are able to open and explore HUD-specific project data as well as design and print custom maps. No special software or map skills beyond basic computer skills are required, meaning users can quickly get started working with maps of their communities.
Job Postings
from our partner agencies
The Bridge Home
Foundation 2
Humility Homes and Services
Shelter House
December 3rd- HMIS/DVIMS Q&A Webinar 10:00am - 10:45am -Click her to join
November 5th- Coordinated Entry Q&A Webinar 2:00pm - 3:00pm -Click her to join
Thursdays at 10:00am- Test Help Office Hour - Click here to join