ICA News -September 2024 - Iowa
Summer Pit by County
In-Person New User Classes
Annual Report
Monthly Data Updates
September Q&A
Annual Outreach Gatherings
Help for New Students
Coordinated Entry News
HUD News
In-Person Training
Monthly In-person New User Classes
The ICA Training Team is excited to announce the continuation of optional in-person HMIS New-User training. This is to fulfill the need for users who will benefit from learning the system with a more hands-on approach, while still using the online training videos as additional tools. Below are the current dates we have set up along with the locations in which the trainings are taking place. If you are the person at your agency that requests new user trainings, and think that you have staff that would benefit from an in-person training experience, please fill out the form below.
Please note that online training is still available as an option if this does not fit your staff’s needs. If it is decided that in-person training is the best option, each student only need to attend one session. Each attendee will need their own laptop. The classes fill up at 10 attendees each.
Current In Person Trainings:

ICA Staff Introductions- ( KarLee Kearns, Shawn McAninch, Kyndra Lobdell, & Susie McCarragher)
ICA Outreach Gatherings September (Kyndra) 16:30
September Gathering:
When: September 26th, 1pm to 2:30pm
Where: Polk County River Place- Conference Room 1. 2309 Euclid Ave. Des Moines, IA 50310
Who: Polk County (Homeward CoC)
LSA Reminder (Susie) 1:30
EVA (Kyndra – others jump in if I forget anything) 2:17
Running the CSV—uploading
Examples of high priority errors—how to find and fix
Training Fun ---Corrections(Shawn) 15:27
Section 2 for kids
Helpdesk/Helpscout Reminder support@icalliances.org
Thursday – New User Q & A
Anything you would like added in the next Q & A send to support@icalliances.org
Adjournment - Series Next Q&A 10/1/2024 at 10:00am-
Monthly Data Update
ICA publishes a monthly data update describing the key indicators and changes in the population experiencing housing instability in the Balance of State and Polk County.
Monthly Data Update
ICA publishes a monthly data update describing the key indicators and changes in the population experiencing housing instability in the Balance of State and Polk County. We share this information monthly, and hope this presentation is easy to understand for members of your community who don’t necessarily live in the data the way HMIS professionals and service providers do but are interested and motivated to learn.
This Month’s Data Update
Annual Outreach Gatherings
The Institute for Community Alliances (ICA) Iowa HMIS Team is committed to strengthening connections with providers utilizing HMIS and DVIMS. We are delighted to share that this calendar year, ICA will embark on in-person visits to various areas of the state! All individuals working within HMIS/DVIMS are welcome and encouraged to attend!

During these meetings, we will facilitate open discussions, seek feedback, provide insights into the functions of the ICA HMIS team, and most importantly, gain valuable insights into your agencies.
September Gathering:
When: September 26th, 1pm to 2:30pm
Where: Polk County River Place- Conference Room 1. 2309 Euclid Ave. Des Moines, IA 50310
Who: Providers from Polk County (Homeward CoC)
Register here: September Gathering - In-Person Agenda
Help for New Students
Weekly Office Hour
In an effort to provide a better learning experience, we are incorporating a weekly "office hour" for anyone currently working on the new user ServicePoint (Community Services) test. This open Teams link will have a human on the other end every Thursday at 10:00AM . So, if you are a student struggling with their test or the system join us on Thursday mornings and be able to ask someone directly for help.
Test Help Office Hour - Thursday at 10:00am - Click here to join
Coordinated Entry Q&A Webinars
Coordinated Entry Q&A Webinars
Every month Coordinated Entry Specialists will be hosting a virtual Coordinated Entry Q&A for CE providers and community partners to discuss CE basics, policies, procedures, and much more.
Have specific questions? Not understanding how something works within CE? Let us know! We would be happy to talk more about it during one of our sessions
When? Monthly on the 1st Tuesday of every month, our next Q&A will be on:
Who should attend?
Any Coordinated Entry providers or community partners involved in CE across the state of Iowa and CE Regions who would like to learn more about Coordinated Entry or refresh their CE skills.
HUD News
Community Support to Gather Feedback on Proposed Changes to HMIS Data Elements
To effectively prevent and end homelessness, you must know who you serve and how best to meet their needs. Federal partners and other partners engaged in ending homelessness in the United States require communities to collect data in a local Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). This helps understand who is being served, what assistance they are receiving, and the outcomes of that assistance.
The HMIS Data Standards for Fiscal Year (FY) 2027 is starting to be updated. The best way to understand what changes are needed is to hear from the people whose information is being collected and those who collect and share data regularly. People who have or are experiencing homelessness, frontline staff, street outreach workers, homeless service providers, victim service providers, organizational leadership, Continuum of Care (CoC) leadership, HMIS system administrators, and many more are asked to provide their feedback, including what changes are needed to better serve people experiencing homelessness.
Feedback is being requested from different viewpoints, especially those who have experienced homelessness. You know best how to engage people being served in your homeless response systems and those with diverse perspectives. While participating in this feedback opportunity is optional, participation is being encouraged because it will help shape data collection efforts and ensure the voices of people with lived expertise and experience of homelessness are heard. Please review the HMIS Data Standards Feedback Facilitator’s Guide for tips on gathering feedback in your communities.
View the HMIS Data Standards and Racial Equity pages for additional information.
Providing Feedback
There are multiple ways for you to provide feedback, making it as easy as possible. Please submit all feedback by May 31, 2025. These feedback opportunities include:
Use the HMIS Data Standards - Feedback to HUD Survey to share your recommendations. This will help categorize recommended changes and reduce the need for back-and-forth communication.
Send your recommendations to HMIS@hud.gov. This is a good option if you summarized your feedback in a document and want to share it directly.
The HMIS Data Standards Change Office Hours will be sponsored over the next year where you can share your proposed changes and hear from others.
Thank you for your participation in collecting data to better serve people experiencing homelessness.
FY 2027 Data Element Update Resource
FY 2024 Data Element Update Resources
The following materials were used during the FY 2024 Data Standards Update process. The community support received to gather feedback on proposed changes to HMIS data elements directly influenced the direction of the FY 2024 data elements. All the input from people with lived homeless experience, providers, communities, and policymakers in updating the race, ethnicity, and gender data elements for the FY 2024 HMIS Data Standards was appreciated.
Client-Centered Approach to Recognizing Race and Ethnicity Identities in Data Collection (PDF)
Client-Centered Approach to Recognizing Gender Identities in Data Collection (PDF)
2023 CoC Dashboard Reports Now Available
The 2023 Continuum of Care (CoC) Dashboard Reports are now available on the HUD Exchange.
These reports include CoC geographic areas and geographic coverage changes from the previous program year. They also contain information on each CoC’s awards by award amount, project component type (e.g., Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)), and project application type (e.g., renewal). Point-in-Time (PIT) count graphics present the types of households and subpopulations of those experiencing homelessness in the community, while the Housing Inventory Count (HIC) graphics quantify beds by target population and bed type.
CoC Dashboard Reports are accessible from the Grantee Reports and Plans page on the HUD Exchange.
Reminder: Register Today: Unsheltered and Rural Special NOFO APR Training – September 25, 2024 – 3:00 PM EDT
This webinar provides recipients of Special Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) grants for both Unsheltered and Rural set-aside funding with a guided walkthrough on how to complete Annual Performance Report (APR) submissions in the Sage HMIS Reporting Repository (Sage). Each different type of APR will be addressed: Planning, HMIS, Supportive Services Only – Coordinated Entry (CE), and the full APR used for Rapid Rehousing, Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH), Joint Component Transitional Housing – Rapid Rehousing (TH-RRH), Supportive Services Only – Street Outreach and Supportive Services Only – Other. View additional Special NOFO Reporting Guidance.Objectives
Understand the Special NOFO reporting requirements in Sage for each project type
Examine how to submit complete and timely APRs in Sage
Find additional help and resources for completing Special NOFO reporting in Sage
This webinar is intended for all Unsheltered and Rural Special NOFO grant recipient staff involved in financial and/or project administration and reporting.
Unsheltered and Rural Special
NOFO APR Training
September 25, 2024 3:00 PM EDT Register Now
Job Postings
from our partner agencies
The Bridge Home
Foundation 2
Humility Homes and Services
Shelter House
September 3rd- HMIS/DVIMS Q&A Webinar 10:00am - 10:45am -Click her to join
September 3rd- Coordinated Entry Q&A Webinar 2:00pm - 3:00pm -Click her to join
Thursdays at 10:00am- Test Help Office Hour - Click here to join
This is the Annual Report for 2024, using data from the 2023 calendar year.
This years annual report incorporates the ‘county level data book’ from 2023. This years report also includes extensive data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey 5-year estimate for 2022, which make meaningful comparisons to service use for each county, specifying housing availability and economic profiles of each county.