HMIS Instructions for Project Applications
To complete questions 4C, 5A, and 5B of the Project Applications for the CoC Competition. HMIS Staff have provided a How To Guide, click here to view.
It's Happening!!
The Upgrade happened over this past weekend and now your HMIS staff is feverishly working to get your assessments switched over. If you haven't already been switched over you, you will by Friday. Most agencies are being switched over to the WI UDE Assessment. PATH, SSVF, and HOPWA have their own grant specific assessments.
Just a reminder of the order of the switch-over. It's by grant funding: CoC, ESG (ETH), SSSG, Other non-HUD funded housing, Other non-Federal service programs, PATH, RHY.
An 5.11 Overview webinar was held on 9/25. If you missed it, no worries, we recorded it. Please email to request the recording. (It can't be posted to our website per Bowman's privacy policy).
Additionally, there are TWO 201: Refresher Courses scheduled in October that will largely focus on the changes to the sub assessments.
201: Refresher Course for Moderately New Users
Fri, Oct 3, 2014 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT
Mon, Oct 13, 2014 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT
*NEW* Topics Covered:
5.11 Sub Assessments -
Disability, Monthly Income, NonCash Benefits, and Health Insurance
Question/Answer Session
If you want to know WHY these changes are happening, you are encouraged to reivew the new 2014 Data Standards published by HUD.
HMIS Data Standards Updates - What Does October 1st Really Mean?
Above is a link to an email sent out by HUD last week.
New ICA Website
As you may have noticed, ICA debuted its new website last Friday! We hope it will be more user-friendly than the last, so we would like to know what you think about how we might improve it. Please check it out at and send any feedback you have to Demetri at Thanks in advance for your help!
Got a MAC?
Here is a free version that should used by persons with Mac computers to view Windows media files, such as the trainings HMIS staff record:
It is called VLC Media Player. It can be downloaded here:
Have you run the DSO ART report lately?
For those of you receiving ETH funds, you already know it's required. But what you might not know is it's been updated! It includes cool new features, such as Input Controls that allow you separate out data by fund sources. If you missed the training, but want to view the recording, click here.
Milwaukee Providers
Please be sure to listen to the recordings made available on the new HUD Data Standards as well as the NEW DSO report webinar. It is each users’ responsibility to become acclimated with the changes.
City ESG AND State ETH funded programs should be tracking match in ServicePoint IF you are serving clients with Match dollars. State ETH grantees must go back to July 1, 2014 and City ESG must go back to January 1, 2014. Please contact your respective grant administrators for questions regarding this mandate. If you have questions about the data entry how-to, please contact Nancy Monarrez.
New Data Quality reports will be going out next week; the reports will be from 1/1/2014 to 10/1/2014-agencies will have 14 days to correct the data. Please make sure you keep a look out for these new reports. With the ART reports being updated, the HIC is not due until October 10, 2014.
If you have NOT completed and fixed your data for the July PIT (Data in ServicePoint and HIC) please complete that ASAP. The Point In Time report will be presented at the next Milwaukee CoC meeting; if your agency has not completed the data, it will show up in the report and will have a negative impact on your ranking.
Attention HMIS Workgroup! The next HMIS workgroup meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 15, 2014. Please bring 3 separate APR’s (1-1 to 3-1-2014; 3-1 to 6-1-2014 and 6-1-2014 to 9-1-2014), the group will go through the APR’s in groups of 2 and will begin using the new scoring tool. Please contact Nancy with questions.
Project Homeless Connect is almost here!! We are still in need of volunteers and those interested in donating clothing items. Our biggest needs are Hats, gloves, scarves, gently used winter coats and men’s & women’s shirts, pants and sweaters. Anyone interested in donating can call Nancy to arrange pick up/drop off. If you are interested in being a volunteer for the event, please sign up at :
Nancy Monarrez can be reached at :
In Case You Missed It: ICA Releases "The State of Homelessness In Wisconsin (2013) Annual Report" The Institute for Community Alliances has compiled a report on homelessness in Wisconsin in 2013. The goal of this report is to serve as an overview of homelessness in Wisconsin and to provide recommendations moving forward in the effort to end homelessness statewide.
- 7,556 persons experiencing homelessness were served by HMIS agencies in 2013.
- 11% are chronically homeless
- 9% are children
To read or download the report click here.