SPDAT Training Coming to Wisconsin
The 4 CoC's in WI have joined together to bring Iain De Jong back to WI for a one day training on the SPDAT (for those serving families and individuals) on Monday, December 8th in Madison. If you are interested in attending please contact the leadership of your CoC for registration materials.
Balance of State - Robyn Thibado or Carrie Poser
Dane - Sue Wallinger
Milwaukee - Jennifer Frey
Racine - Gai Lorenzen
For more information on what the SPDAT is http://www.orgcode.com/product/spdat/
(The SPDAT is related to the VI SPDAT, but they are not the same.)
CoC APR and E-snaps Validation Issues in Q25 and Q26
CoC APR and E-snaps Validation Issues in Q25 and Q26:
Several Bowman customers have reported an issue with validations in e-snaps related to recent CoC APR changes to Income Q25 and Non-Cash Benefits Q26. Per HUD specifications Bowman has modified the Income and Non-Cash benefits questions to include only Adults and Heads of Households. Children in households are no longer included.
E-snaps has not yet been modified to accept this change and is giving a validation error. If you have experienced such an error, Bowman recommends that you submit a question via the AAQ to get the issue on record for your community.
ART Reports Updated to New Data Standards
Many ART reports need to be modified to adhere to the new HUD data standards. The following reports have been modified and are available in the public folder:
0323 – DSO
0625- HUD CoC APR – v23
0625 – Section 4C 5.11 update
0628 – HIC Supplement – v1 5.11 revision
0630 – Sheltered-Unsheltered PIT 2014 – v6 5.11 updated
Housing Demographics Report – Services Based 5.11 update
Housing Demographics Report 5.11 update
We appreciate your patience as we continue to update reports over the next few weeks. If you would like to prioritize a report, please email wisp@icalliances.org
5.11 Upgrade Update
All agencies should be switched over to the new WI UDE Assessment, unless you are SSVF or HOPWA funded, then you have the provider specific assessment for that funding.
An 5.11 Overview webinar was held on 9/25. If you missed it, no worries, we recorded it. Please email wisp@icalliances.org to request the recording. (It can't be posted to our website per Bowman's privacy policy).
Balance of State Providers:
Balance of State Annual Meeting
Date: November 13th & 14th
Place: Kalahari Resorts, WI Dells
Deadline for Registration is 10/31/14
I have attached the Agenda and Registration. The deadline to register is 10/31/14.
Click here for the Agenda.
Click here for the Registration.
Milwaukee Providers:Please make sure you contact Nancy Monarrez for any training needs. The end of the year is fast approaching, please make sure you have all your training requirements completed by 12/31/2014.
If you have not filled out the HIC, please do so ASAP.
Still having issues with the DSO reports? Please contact Nancy for assistance. You will have to email your grant administrator and indicate the reasons why your reports are late.
When sending in a request for technical assistance please make sure you are following the steps listed below:
Issues with ART
- Make sure you attach the report you are having issues with. PDF format is fine.
- If no report is attached, please indicate the data you are entering for the report prompts.
- Are you making sure each prompt is filled in correctly?
- Identify where the numbers are wrong or what’s missing
Issues with Data Entry
- Identify the Issue
- Identify the client(s) that are coming up in error. Please send Client ServicePoint ID.
- What should the field(s) look like or should be showing up as?
- Where are you checking the change i.e., Client Profile v. Entry/Exit
- Who are you Entering Data As?
These steps are in an effort to resolve your ServicePoint issue as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Project Homeless Connect:
What is Project Homeless Connect? It’s a national movement that focuses on ending homelessness. On Thursday, October 16th at Marquette University, a variety of social service agencies hosted a one-stop event where homeless people can get access to free resources and services including haircuts, health and dental exams and access to housing and employment. Over 250 people experiencing homelessness were provided service.