An Early Thanksgiving (or Giving Thanks on Halloween)
2015 has passed us by very quickly, and to say that it has been a challenging year full of changes would be an understatement. In the fall of 2014 when we were working through the new HUD HMIS data standards and their implications for agencies, their programs, and the persons they serve, we knew this would be a difficult year. Throughout Wisconsin, communities began implementing coordinated entry or expanded their coordinated entry process, continued with systems change to implement new programs such as Rapid Re-Housing, expanded the SOAR model, and welcomed the Runaway Homeless Youth providers to HMIS. And that is just a small sampling of the changes this year.
We also had no idea at the beginning of this year that ICA would expand its horizons beyond the Midwest. As we have begun to add staff and services in other states, such as Vermont, Alaska, and Northern Illinois, and provide technical assistance to other communities, we are better able to gauge where we are at in comparison to other communities. And these other communities made the decision to work with ICA as an organization because of the success we have had in places like Wisconsin. It may not always seem like it, but when it comes to the work you do around data and HMIS, you are among the very best in the country.
As the demands on communities to increase their data collection and reporting have evolved, Wisconsin providers have met the challenge. While there have been some bumps in the road, the work done by each of you in the face of so much change and so many demands is exemplary. Please continue to keep up the good work!
Upcoming User Trainings
510: Canned Reports – available for all users
This training is available for all users. Located on the Reports tab there are live-time reports available for a quick information gathering and to check clients served. This training will provide an overview of the reports available and how to fill out the prompts.
This training counts as 1 User training.
302: Data Clean Up Reports – For ART users
This training will provide an overview of reports available to clean up data in WISP.
This training counts as 1 ART training.
To view and register for upcoming trainings, click here.
New Users Who Rock
Here's a shout out to new users who took the New User training this month and already have access to the live site. Congratulations!
Angela Bontempo | The Salvation Army of Green Bay
Ally Heiser | St. John the Evangelist Homeless Shelter
Darren Dannhoff | Salvation Army La Crosse
Jacqueline Smith | Hebron House
Rhonda Eastman | Benjamin’s House
Kelsey Smyth | Southwest CAP
James Stahl | Community Action,Inc. of Rock and Walworth Counties
Sarah Isaak | Community Action Coalition for South Central WI
Tips and Tricks
Choosing Dates in HMIS
Learn to use these buttons and save some time on your next entry/exit or service transaction!
Choose Date: Click to select date from calendar (will NOT alter timestamp)
Clear Date: Click to clear the current date and time selection
Set to Current Date: Click to select the current system date and time (If you are in back date mode, this will set the calendar to the date and time of the backdate.)