2015 HMIS Security Training Added to Website
It’s finally here! All Users wishing to retain their access to WI ServicePoint are required to take HMIS Security training annually. This year we have a recorded version available. It includes a quiz, so make sure you pay attention! Training must be completed by 12/31/15. Please email the help desk with any questions: wisp@icalliances.org
ESG CAPER Redesign
A message from Ellen Hildebrand, ETH Program Manager at DOA:
Hi All,
Recently, HUD redesigned the ESG CAPER, which is the annual report the State submits to HUD. Because the CAPER has been redesigned, there is a new ESG CAPER in HMIS and a corresponding new report that the State submits to HUD. This will cause some changes in upcoming months.
ETH Data Report
Please use the old ESG CAPER (pictured below) to fill out the ETH Data Report For the October (due Nov. 15), November (due Dec. 15), and December (due Jan. 15) ETH Data Report submissions. ICA has assured me that the old ESG CAPER report will remain in HMIS while issues with the new ESG CAPER are worked out with Bowman. After the December (due Jan. 15) report is submitted, I will change the ETH Data Report template and instructions to accommodate the new ESG CAPER. More details will be sent in coming months.
Old ESG CAPER: use for October (due Nov. 15), November (due Dec. 15), and December (due Jan. 15) ETH Data Report submissions.
CAPER & Match Reporting
The CAPER & Match report that is due in the spring will be submitted in a different format than in the past. Each Lead and Subrecpient agency will run the ESG CAPER (2015 BETA) report for each ESG/HPP funded project, which will return a CSV file. Lead agencies will obtain the CSV files and submit them to me. More details will be sent in 2016.
You may be wondering why I am talking about this now when the CAPER & Match report isn’t due until spring. Part of the redesigned ESG CAPER is a new Data Errors section – when you send me the CSV files, I will upload them into a HUD tool that flags data errors (e.g. total persons served does not equal total persons by gender). If a project’s error rate is too high, HUD requires DEHCR to request new corrected data from the project. So, if you have been having HMIS data quality issues, it is important that you work to resolve them!
Let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing some of you at the BOSCOC meeting tomorrow!
Ellen’s contact information:
ETH Program Manager
Bureau of Housing
Division of Energy, Housing, and Community Resources (DEHCR)
Department of Administration
101 E. Wilson Street
P.O. Box 7970
Madison, WI 53707-7970
Phone: (608) 261-6256
PATH Grantees
A PATH workflow training webinar will be provided on Monday Nov 23rd. This training will cover the NEW workflow required to capture client contacts and the data elements required for those who will potentially be enrolled in PATH and those that are enrolled. Please see our website training calendar to register.
Upcoming Deadlines and Events
RHY Grantee Repository Upload Portal Open – November 18, 2015 (estimated)
HUD Continuum of Care NOFA Submission – November 20, 2015
Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) Draft Data – December 2, 2015
PATH Annual Report Deadline – December 4, 2015
Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) Final Data – December 23, 2015
Annual Point-In-Time Count – January 27, 2016
VA SQUARES System is now live!
The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has been working for several years to create a repository of veteran information. Included in this repository is the ability to query a database to confirm the veteran status of a program participant.
If you are afront-line or program staff person that needs to verify veteran status for program participants, you are encouraged to sign up for access to SQUARES. To access the system you must register for an account log-in. If you are granted access, you may search for veteran status information using last name, date of birth, and SSN information.
Link to site: https://www.hmisrepository.va.gov/
Link to register for a SQUARES account: https://www.hmisrepository.va.gov/register_sq.php
Please note that this site is not managed or administered by ICA or any of the continua of care. Information in the system is managed and maintained by the US Department of Veterans Affairs.
Tips and Tricks
Housing Inventory Chart Key
We all know (and love!) the Housing Inventory Chart. But did you know that there is a useful key on the first tab? The column on the right provides useful reminders about the report you need to run and what parameters you should use.