New Optional Veterans Questions Added to the System
In January, the HMIS Advisory Board voted to add two new optional questions related to veterans to the system. These questions are intended to be answered for persons that have been affirmatively identified as veterans. In other words, if a person is not a veteran the questions should be left blank. These questions are Yes/No questions:
The first question asks whether or not the veteran status of the individual has been confirmed in the federal SQUARES system. For information on SQUARES please refer back to our prior newsletters.
The second question is intended for those persons that are veterans that are unwilling/uninterested in working with the federal VA services, for any reason. It is NOT a question intended to document whether or not a veteran is ineligible for VA services. If a veteran is unwilling to utilize federal VA services and this is documented in the file it can help providers by saving time on a referral for services that the veteran may not accept.
Descriptions of both questions, including a link to register for SQUARES, are in the respective questions pop-up boxes.
WISP User License Invoice Time is Approaching!
Is your agency’s list of system users up to date? If not, now is the time to update the list of authorized system users. In March, ICA will begin the annual round of user license billing. In order to ensure an accurate invoice please make sure that any persons that are no longer using the system (for example persons no longer employed by the agency) are removed. If you are unsure, please contact your regional coordinator or email the help desk Please make sure to delete the users no longer on the system, do not make them inactive. You may also request that we remove the old users for you as well.
Wisconsin BoS CoC's Pledge
The Wisconsin Balance of State Continuum of Care has pledged to find housing solutions for the top 147 clients (on their housing priority list) by the end of this year.
Click here to learn more about the HUD System Performance Measures and how housing the clients who have been experiencing homelessness the longest can help improve your performance!
Recorded New User Training Feedback Needed!
How are the recorded versions of the New User training series working out? We’d love to hear from you! Positive and/or constructive feedback welcome! Please send your comments to
Tips and Tricks
New How-to Guides and Webinar Recordings
How-to guides for Coordinated Entry for the BoS CoC and the Madison/Dane CoC have been added to the website.
Balance of State Coordinated Entry webinar recordings are on the recorded trainings page: