New Point-in-Time Report: Homelessness and the Disability Questions
The new Point-in-Time report will be out soon. The following disability questions must be completed for a client to be counted as chronically homeless:
Upcoming Live Webinars for March and April
Please visit our website’s training calendar to register for the following trainings.
New User Training:
New User 101. 102, 103, and 104 - As stated in earlier editions of WISP News, the New User training series will be available by both live and recorded webinars. If you have a staff member interested in attending the New User Training live webinars they are being offered this month. Users who previously received the recorded trainings are welcome to sign up as well.
106: Interim Reviews – a training focused on how to create interim reviews and make sure your sub-assessments accurately reflect updates in the client’s status.
Coordinated Entry:
410: Coordinated Entry Report – Troubleshooting the common problems when viewing the Prioritization Reports (Balance of State)
RHY Funded Projects:
448: RHY Funded Projects – This training will focus on the data entry requirements for Basic Center and TLP funded projects.
449: RHY Outreach Projects – This training will focus on the data entry requirements for RHY funded outreach projects.
Last Chance to Update User Licenses!
ICA will begin to distribute invoices for user licenses the week of March 7th. If you have not already done so, this is the time to update your users in the system.
Also, do not forget that all persons with license must use the system at least once every 90 days to avoid incurring a non-use fee of $250. You can find the status of users and their use of the system using this ART report:
Updated WISP ROI
ICA has an updated version of the WISP ROI. Please make sure you stop using any old versions you may have and start using this newest version.
SOAR Training
The deadline to register for the Stepping Stones to Recovery (SOAR) Training is April 1, 2016. Individuals who work with social security applications, clients who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or clients with mental illness are encouraged to attend.
Call for Photos!
We are looking for high resolution photos to include in our forthcoming annual report. If you have a photo (or photos!) you would like to share, please e-mail Kinnic Eagan.
Tips and Tricks
Relationship to Head of Household
Identification of the heads of household for each household recorded in HMIS facilitates the identification, tracking, and enumeration of households served by projects. Relationship to Head of Household is recorded for all clients at project entry. The term “Head of Household” is not intended to mean the leader of the house; rather, it is intended to identify one client for whom all other household members can be associated. If the head of household leaves the project while other household members remain, another member of the household currently participating in the project should be designated as the head of household and the other members’ relationship to head of household should be revised to reflect each individual’s relationship to the newly designated head of household.