WISP Questions - How-to Guide!
There are all these questions regarding Night Prior to Project Entry, including Living Situation, Homeless Status and Length of Stay documentation in ServicePoint. We have created a guide to help you answer these questions.
To clear up some confusion, we want to make sure that all agencies and programs regardless of funding are required to answer them. This includes prevention and youth programs.
HMIS Guide: Night Prior to Project Entry Questions
Last Call for 2014 Data!
ICA is gearing up to put together the 2014 Annual Report on Homelessness in Wisconsin. Make sure that your HMIS data is up-to-date and all UDEs are completed! (Check out the "Data Completeness by User" ART reports in the "Data Quality and Completeness" folder to check data completeness after 10/1/2015. For data prior to 10/1/2015, refer to the Data Completeness by User reports in the Old Reports subfolder.)
PATH Application is now Available
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is making funds available through the Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Housing (DOH), for new and existing Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) programs in Wisconsin. The PATH program provides funds for flexible community- based services to individuals with serious mental illnesses and those with co-occurring substance use disorders who are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless.
All cities, counties, tribal agencies, and private nonprofit agencies in Wisconsin,located in counties with a population of more than 150,000, are eligible to apply under this Request for Proposals (RFP) for PATH funds. Nonprofit agencies must be exempt from taxation under subtitle A of Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code; governed by a voluntary board of directors; use approved accounting systems; and practice nondiscrimination in the provision of assistance.
Application information is available on the DOH website or by clicking here.
SOAR Training
OVERVIEW: Helping people who are homeless gain access to the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) benefit programs such as SSI (Supplemental Security Income) and SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) for people with mental illness is a financially sound investment in people, in programs, and in communities. For individuals, the immediate gains of SSI and SSDI are clear -- a steady income and health coverage.
- Learn the basics of an SSI/SSDI application
- Highly interactive training
- Learn how to reduce application time from 2 years to several months
- Learn how to increase approval rates from 15% to 65-95%
- Receive a binder from the training with copies of the PowerPoint presentation, example forms, a video on DVD, and other helpful handouts
- All individuals who work with social security applications, clients who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or clients with mental illness are encouraged to attend.
WHEN: April 30 – May 1, 2015
Information Sheet and Registration Form Link Here
Veterans, Employers, Veteran Service Organizations
Please pass along the attached postcard to veterans and spouses of veterans who may be seeking various veteran benefits.
We have included two versions of the postcard, one that is one page, and another where you can print two per page, cut and use as a handout within your facilities.
The postcard is a listing of various state and federal benefits available. Veterans and family members are encouraged to contact our Veterans Benefit Resource Center at the 1-800 number listed for information, or go to our website at Wisvets.com and apply for various benefits.
Thank you
Kenneth G. Grant
Administrator – Division of Veteran Services
Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs
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