This Just In: New March Training Webinars Posted
106: Interim Reviews: Tuesday, March 10th 1pm Still struggling with when to do them and how to update the Sub-assessments for income, non-cash, disabilities and health insurance, this one's for you!
205: Case Management Functions: Tuesday March 24th 1pm You've wanted to start doing electronic case plans and track referrals, we'll be covering it!
202: Assessment Questions Training: Tuesday March 31st 1pm Struggling to answer the new data element assessment questions correctly? How do I count months homeless? What exactly does Night Prior mean? What if they were on the street for 2 weeks and then the night before they were with a friend? Am I doing those darn sub-assessments correctly? If those questions sound familiar than this training is for you. Space is limited to 100 persons, so register now!
If you have not already checked out our newest guide: HMIS Guide: Night Prior to Project Entry Question
To find about about additional upcoming trainings, please visit our website
It’s That Time of the Year Again!
We are in the process of compiling information to send out the invoices for WISP user licenses. You will receive the invoices in the mail in the next couple of weeks. Here are some very important items to note:
- The price of the WISP user licenses is unchanged from last year. To see the pricing structure for the licenses, please see the Policies and Procedures Manual:
- The price of an ART license is $85.
- Any user licenses that are assigned to a user and have not been used in the past 90 days will be assessed a $250 non-use fee. You can avoid this fee by either a) logging in with the user license or b) requesting that your regional HMIS coordinator remove the user from the system, thereby removing the license. If you are unsure of the status of a user license, please email your regional coordinator of the WISP Help
- If your agency mailing address and or contact person for the invoice has changed since last year, please let us know so we can update your records:
In Case You Missed It - HUD Release New ESG FAQs!
EVERY ETH Lead, ETH recipient, and City ESG recipient should read them.
More information can be found on this link: ESG FAQ
What’s your Data Completeness Score?
Wondering if you’ve completed all of the required data elements for your clients? There’s an ART report for that! Check out the “2014 Data Standards – Data Completeness by User” reports in the “Data Quality and Completeness Reports” folder. (These reports factor in the new data elements, so you’ll want a start date on or after 10/1/2014.)
If your completeness score is less than 95%, it is time to start fixing! Look for Missing fields in the “Client Data” tabs to locate data elements missing from client entries/ service starts.