WISP News 7.23.2015

July Point in Time

The July PIT count is quickly approaching. In the Balance of State Continuum of Care, the overnight street count/known location count must occur no earlier than 10:00 pm on Wednesday, July 29th and must end by 6:00 am on Thursday, July 30th.
The deadlines related to the Balance of State Continuum of Care:

Completion of July Housing Inventory Chart (HIC): Monday, August 17th at 5:00pm
Completion of Non-WISP PIT form:  Monday, August 17th at 5:00 pm
Completion of Deduplication Chart:  Monday, August 17th at 5:00 pm
Completion of Post-PIT Survey:  Monday, August 31st at 5:00 pm

Note:  It is the PIT lead’s responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the HIC, Non-WISP PIT form, all data entered into the Deduplication Chart (this includes the unsheltered count – in HMIS and surveys not in HMIS and the service based count), and HMIS data for the continua are “cleaned and correct” before submission to COC Coordinator.

Click here for more information.

Preparing Your Data for the HUD CoC NOFA Process

As the HUD CoC competition nears it makes this a great time to look at the quality of the data in your WISP providers. One of the items to review is whether or not there are open services and program entries in your agency providers. If you have an ART license there is a couple of easy to use report to help you identify these open items. Run these reports to check on the open files in your programs:

New Users Who Rock!

Everyone knows being a New User in ServicePoint can be a bit overwhelming.  ClientPoint, remembering to BackDate, and those sub-assessments leave quite a few of us scratching our heads in the beginning. Here’s a shout out to a couple of New Users who took New User training in July and already have access to the live site. Congratulations!
Emily Umbreit – NEWCAP
Polly Hewitt – The Salvation Army, Wausau

Do Not Upgrade Windows 10

With the upcoming free upgrade available to Windows users to Windows version 10, we urge all ServicePoint users not to upgrade their system to this version of Windows until the Bowman team has thoroughly tested it for ServicePoint and ART. Customers will be notified when testing has been completed and when an upgrade is recommended.

Tips and Tricks

ART reports are found in nested folders.   

Inbox - Contains reports that you have scheduled, or that other users have sent to you. 
Favorites - Contains reports that you have created and saved for personal use. 
Public Folder - Contains Bowman and ICA-generated reports.

How to navigate to a report: 
1. Click on the right-facing arrow next to the folder you would like to open.  Open folders will be next to a downward-facing arrow. 
2. Some folders contain too many subfolders/reports to be displayed on the screen at one time.  If this is the case, use the “First”, “Previous”, “Next”, and “Last” buttons to explore the folder.

For more tips and tricks, visit previous newsletters in the WISPNews Archive.