WISP Training Opportunities
There are numerous WISP Training Opportunities listed on the ICA website, with new trainings added frequently. Check out the training opportunities on our website:
ETH Program - DSO Report Changes
The 0323 - DSO Report has been updated for programs that will need to run it for the ETH grant. There is now a tab in the report documenting the disability status by program. In addition, some client counts have been modified, and formatting fixed for download as a PDF.
There is also a version of the report without client detail tabs that should be run when the client detail information is not needed.
Milwaukee CoC HMIS News
Thank you to everyone that participated and assisted with the Point-In-Time event held last month. We look forward to your continued assistance! See you in January for the Winter PIT.
The Project Homeless Connect event will be held on October 16, 2014 from 9 am to 3 pm at Marquette University. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Nancy Monarrez for more information. The event is in need of winter clothing, especially thermal socks, gloves, hats, and winter coats. All items should be gently used. If you are interested in holding a blanket or clothing drive or would like to make a personal donation, please contact Nancy.
Nancy will provide a training for the Milwaukee providers to review both the Data Services Report (0323-DSO) and Housing Inventory Chart (HIC) on Wednesday August 20, 2014. If you haven't already done so, please sign up ASAP. DSO reports for State ETH are due August 25, 2014; City ESG reports are due beginning September 2014. City grantees are required to go back to January 2014 and send a monthly report for each funded program. In other words, eight reports will be due in September for each funded program. The training on Wednesday will walk you through these requirements.
The HMIS work-group has developed a new Performance Scoring Tool to rank all Milwaukee projects. Please note, CoC (HUD) funded agencies as well as State ETH and City ESG agencies will be included in the peer review. This process will begin in October. If you are interested in attending the next HMIS work-group meeting, please make sure to contact Nancy Monarrez to sign up; the next one will be held at Hillside Family Center 1452 N. 7th Street at 10 am.
You can contact Nancy Monarrez at Nancy.monarrez@icalliances.org