WISP Alert 9.13.16

501: New Data Standards Training is Full 

The 501: New Data Standards training on Monday, Sept 26th is full.  If you have not yet registered, the training will be recorded and promptly posted to our website.  We ask that if you will be watching the recorded training you do so by September 30th.

If you were unable to register, but someone at your agency has, users may share computer screens.  On the date of the training, you will need to send an email to the helpdesk informing ICA that you are viewing the training on another user's computer screen.

Lastly, if you are registered for the training and are no longer planning to view the live webinar, please send an email to wisp@icalliances.org so that we may cancel your registration and open a slot for another agency.

Questions:  wisp@icalliances.org