WISP News 9.8.16

In this Issue


  • New Staff Announcement
  • New ETH Program Manager at DOA's Division of Energy, Housing, and Community Resources
  • Required User Training: New HUD Data Standards
  • New Data Standards Trainings - Project Specific Trainings
  • Tips and Tricks

New Staff Announcement - Welcome Zach Ehmann!


After finishing his degree in Critical Theory and Social Justice from Occidental College in Los Angeles, Zach moved to Milwaukee with a mind to put theory into practice through two years of service in AmeriCorps. He is most interested in how system design can be used to rectify social inequities on a material on social level. He spends a fair bit of time thinking about Whiteness and capitalism but has not yet forgotten how to laugh. In his free time, Zach likes to explore Milwaukee, go to shows, and watch animals do animal things. He is excited to learn new skills and put them to use for change as a part of the ICA team!

DEHCR Introduced new ETH Program Manager

The Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Energy, Housing, and Community Resources has hired a new ETH Program Manager, Gordon Levine. Gordon will start in his new position on Tuesday. Some of you may already know him through DEHCR’s TBRA or PATH programs. Please continue to send your data reports, payment requests, and budget amendments to Julianna Stohs (Julianna.Stohs@wisconsin.gov) as Gordon transitions into his new position.

Required User Training: New HUD Data Standards

HUD released the newest version of the 2014 Data Standards Manual which present substantial changes to data entry in HMIS. New Standards Effective 10/1/2016. 

What’s included in 5.12.25: 
● Changed picklist values
● New assessment questions for SSVF
● “Retirement” of no longer used assessment questions
● 2016 versions of all Entry Assessments and several Update and Exit Assessments

Please join us for an overview of the changes and presentation of the new workflow requirements.

Date:  Monday, Sep 26th, 2016

Time: 1:00pm – 3:00PM

Registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/30530516544613380

New Data Standards Trainings - Project Specific Trainings

If you are PATH, RHY, SSVF, or HUD VASH funded you have probably heard there are New Data Standards Changes that affect your programs specifically.  We ask that you attend the 501 New Data Standards training in addition to your project specific training. 

Please visit our training calendar to register for your project specific training during the last week of September.  Please note that if you are unable to attend the webinar live, all trainings will be recorded.