Monthly Submissions are not required at this time!

Knowledge Base Article: Monthly Data Quality Submissions

Quick reference guide for completing Monthly Data Quality Submissions per the Atlanta CoC Data Quality Plan.

  • REMEMBER - Data being submitted is for the PRIOR month

  • Need Assistance? Please email the Atlanta CoC HMIS team at:


    • EVERY project that enters client data into ClientTrack requires a monthly data quality submission (submissions are done by project type and can be bundled).

      • Domestic Violence projects will use data from a comparable HMIS system

    • Run and Review HUD Data Quality Report

      • Confirm data in each report is accurate

        • If data does not reflect project reality for the reports date range

          • Correct data in ClientTrack

          • Re-pull report

    • Go to Partners for HOME website and click on ‘Monthly DQ Submission’ link

      • Complete individual submission for every project type that your agency enters client data into ClientTrack

        • Attach report used to answer each question

          • HUD Data Quality Report – ONLY attach the summary view

    • Comment Section – In addition to question/comments related to that month’s submission, you can note:

    • It is recommended that you select the option to ‘Send me a copy of my responses’ for future reference

For this section you will need to have ran the HUD Data Quality Report by clicking 'Report' (NOT 'Run Export') and save as 'Excel' to submit the correct report summary view. This is the view required for the Atlanta CoC Data Quality Plan monitoring submissions.