St. Louis CIty Coordinated Entry and st. louis county coordinated entry
In 2015, HUD published its Coordinated Entry brief, laying out its vision of providers across each community working together in order to house clients from a single, prioritized list, focusing on serving those with the highest need first. Communities have been working on creating systems from this idea, individualized to each community's unique needs and flavors. The St. Louis City Continuum of Care and the St. Louis County Continuum of Care operate similar but distinct Coordinated Entry systems.
The January 2018 edition of the City Coordinated Entry manual is the most recent version of the CE manual passed by the City CoC.
The January 2021 edition of the County Coordinated Entry manual is the most recent version of the CE manual passed by the County CoC.
We have created dashboards for both the County CE process and the City CE process.
All clients who are assessed in either CoC must complete the Coordinated Entry Participation Agreement for that particular CoC (the county version is here, the city version is here) prior to being placed onto either Coordinated Entry system. Before printing, agencies must change [This agency] to their agency name. Once it is updated in one location, it will be applicable within each CoC. There is also a Participants Rights Packet (the county version is here, the city version is here) that goes over the rights and requirements of participants in the Coordinated Entry process.
All Rapid ReHousing (RRH) must use this Rent Calculation Worksheet in order to standardize assistance throughout the CoC.
ICA has created some interactive trainings to assist in placing clients on the Prioritization List, updating the CE entry, responding to referrals, and removing clients from the Prioritization List after being housed via a housing provider or a self resolved situation. These are password protected, so please contact the Help Desk for the password if you are interested in using them.
For more information about Coordinated Entry, its goals, and its effectiveness in quickly moving people into housing, please visit HUD's website.
Housing Referral Release
During assessment for placement onto the prioritization list, clients have the right to choose whether to participate in the coordinated entry system, and whether or not their name may be used during the weekly housing matching meeting. The Coordinated Entry System Housing Referral Release and Consent to Disclose Information is utilized to gather the client’s consent to participate. It will note that clients have the right to review the list of agencies who participate in coordinated entry, and you can download that list here. Please remember that the list may change, and an updated list will be maintained on this webpage. Providers utilizing ServicePoint also need to document the client’s answer within ServicePoint so that the client’s desired level of disclosure is followed during the weekly housing matching meeting.