WI Recommended Assessment
The WI Recommended Assessment is available. Please contact your Agency Administrator or your HMIS Coordinator to have it added to your Assessments Tab drop down if you are interested in using it.
The assessment includes the Client Residence sub-assessment, Zip Code and AMI (County Median Income) questions, along with a few others the HMIS Advisory Board recommended to be included.
WI VI SPDAT Prioritization ART Report is Available
The Wisconsin VI SPDAT Prioritization ART report can be found in the ART folder labeled "Coordinated Entry Reports" under the Public Folder. This report was created by the West Virginia Coalition to End Homelessness and modified by WI HMIS staff to fit WI's needs.
Looking for Definitions of the New Required Data Elements?
You can find definitions right on the WI UDE Assessment! And the definitions have been updated to match the 2014 Data Standards!
Simply use your mouse to move the cursor to the assessment question. Hover over the assessment question, and a box with the question definition will appear. Some definitions are quite lengthy and the box is not big enough to hold the full definition. For these questions, click on the assessment question and the Question Description pop-up box will open. This box will contain the full definition.