Happy Thanksgiving!
Institute for Community Alliances will be closed Thursday, November 26 and Friday, November 27 for Thanksgiving. Any emails or phone calls received while we are closed will be responded to when we reopen on November 30. We hope that everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
ART Error Fix
ART is currently experiencing temporary errors. Should you receive an Error when attempting to run reports in ART you will need to clear your browser’s history and cache.
Click on top right corner to browser menu. Click “History,” then click “Clear All/Recent History”.
Click top right corner for browser menu. Click “History & recent tabs”, then “History”, then “Clear browsing data”.
Top left of screen, click “History”, then click “Clear History”.
Point in Time
Point in Time is coming up pretty quickly. HUD has published the Notice for Housing Inventory Count (HIC) and Point-in-Time (PIT) Data Collection for CoCs which informs CoCs of information that must be collected in order to successfully complete the 2016 HIC and PIT counts. Please take the time to review and be sure to implement the changes set forth by the guidance. Special areas to take note are as follows:
- HUD has clarified that CoCs will only report rapid re-housing (RRH) beds and units that are occupied by RRH participants on the night of the count (i.e., in their own permanent housing unit and actively enrolled in RRH on the night of the count), whether or not rental assistance was provided.
- CoCs that have beds dedicated to veterans, youth, and individuals and persons in families experiencing chronic homelessness will need to report those beds by household type, instead of providing a single number of dedicated beds.
- HUD will no longer be collecting the unmet need data as part of its HIC data collection process in the Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX). As part of their local planning process, CoCs should continue to analyze their homeless response system to determine what inventory is needed to meet their local needs.
- CoCs should no longer report inventory and persons in VA-funded Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program – Domiciliary Care for Homeless Veterans (i.e., VADOM) as part of the HIC and PIT count. This is a change that applies to all reporting going forward. HUD and the VA will consider VADOM beds treatment beds and not include that inventory, or persons in that inventory, as part of the dedicated homeless inventory.
- HUD has created a new data collection field for CoCs to indicate for each project whether it is funded through other federal funding sources than HUD McKinney-Vento funding.
- HUD has included a new field to record the Transitional Housing (TH) Unit Type. Similar to the Bed Type field for Emergency Shelter projects, the TH Unit Type field allows communities to indicate whether the persons served in the TH projects are served in a single site (i.e., congregate or project-based) or multiple sites (i.e., scattered-site or clustered).
PIT Changes
- For purposes of reporting in the PIT count, a chronically homeless person:
- Is homeless and lives in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or in an emergency shelter; and
- Has been homeless and living or residing in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or in an emergency shelter continuously for at least 1 year or on at least 4 separate occasions in the last 3 years where the combined length of time homeless in those occasions is at least 12 months; and
- Has a disability.
- In addition to reporting on individuals and persons in families over 18 experiencing chronic homeless, HUD requires communities to collect and report chronically homeless status on heads of households that are under 18, which includes both unaccompanied youth and parenting youth under age 18.
- After receiving important feedback HUD decided to collapse the transgender categories back into a single reporting option – “Transgender.”
- HUD is requiring CoCs to report the demographic data on parenting youth and unaccompanied youth in separate tables. For the parenting youth table, CoCs will only report the demographics on the youth parents and exclude the demographic data on the children of the youth parents.
For additional HIC and PIT resources, please visit HUD’s website and read the Point in Time Methodology.
ServicePoint Licenses
As a reminder, users have until 12/31/2015 to fulfill their license requirement. According to the HMIS Policies and Procedures those requirements are as follows:
All users are required to attend annual security training to retain their user license. All users are required to attend at least two general HMIS trainings annually. The new user training series will count as one training toward the general training requirement. New users taking the new user training series in December will be except from completing an additional training during that calendar year. All users with Advanced Reporting Tool (ART) Licenses are required to attend at least two ART trainings annually in addition to the required general HMIS trainings. Users are expected to fully participate in all trainings attended. If a user misses more than ten minutes or ten percent (whichever is greater) of a training, the user will not receive credit for completing the training.
If you are unsure of where you or your staff stand with regards to training, an Agency Administrator can go into the individual provider records. They are located under Admin- User Admin
Search for the User’s name and click on the pencil to the left of the user’s name to open their provider record.
All trainings (webinars, recorded trainings as well as in-person trainings) are all located in the 2015 WISP Training box.
If you would like to run a report to view all users in your agency, you must have an ART license. The report is located in Reports-ART-Public Folder-Agency Administration Reports-User Trainings 2015
**Please note the report pulls from the user’s default provider be sure to list all programs should you want a list of ALL users.
The report will indicate which staff still have not met the requirement.
Please visit our website for upcoming webinar trainings and/or recorded trainings.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your HMIS Coordinator.