Alaska HMIS Governance

Links to the Alaska HMIS governance documents - with brief definitions of each - can be found below.

  • AKHMIS Governance Charter

    The AKHMIS Governance Charter details the purpose and background of the Alaska HMIS and details the responsibilities of the parties that collaborate to effectively implement and operate the Alaska HMIS.

    Updated December 2023.

    AKHMIS Policies & Procedures

    The AKHMIS Policies & Procedures govern the use of the Alaska Homeless Management Information System including the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders involved in AKHMIS.

    Updated December 2023.

    AKHMIS Data Quality Plan

    All organizations participating in AKHMIS will be required to sign a AKHMIS Data Quality Plan Organization Agreement for access to HMIS. Must be signed by each CHO’s Executive Director on an annual basis. This Agreement will require the organization to participate in and abide by the processes and standards provided within this document.

    Updated December 2023.

  • AKHMIS Organization Partnership Agreement

    This Agreement establishes CHO participation in AKHMIS and ensures CHOs entering client-level data into the AKHMIS know and strive to meet or exceed minimum data collection requirements applicable to the Organization’s projects in AKHMIS. This Agreement specifies the roles and responsibilities of any AKHMIS-participating organization as it relates to the use of the system.

    Updated December 2023.

    Alaska CoC Statewide Data Sharing Agreement

    This Agreement allows organizations that have signed it to use and disclose PII between and among each other for the reasons defined in the Alaska CoC Statewide Privacy Policy without the need for client written consent. The Agreement is signed by both organizations that directly access and enter data into AKHMIS and organizations that have access to that information through the Coordinated Entry processes.

    Updated December 2023.

    AKHMIS User Agreement

    This Agreement is signed by all AKHMIS end users who directly access and enter client-level data into the system.

    Updated December 2023.

    AKHMIS Coordinated Services Agreement

    This Agreement is used in a situation where an AKHMIS end user from one organization accesses and enters data into the system on behalf of a different organization. This Agreement is signed by the Executive Directors of the organizations involved in the Agreement. Updated December 2023.

  • Alaska CoC Statewide Privacy Policy

    This is the CoC Privacy Policy that governs how Covered Homeless Organizations (CHOs) can use and disclose protected personal information (PPI) for both the AKHMIS and Coordinated Entry. This Privacy Policy covers organizations that do not directly access and enter data into AKHMIS but are involved in the community’s Coordinated Entry process. This is a baseline Privacy Policy and if an organization is bound by stricter privacy protections, they must abide by those.

    Updated January 2023.

    Alaska CoC Statewide Security Policy

    This is the CoC Security Policy that governs the use of electronic devices and technology to access PII in AKHMIS or for the purposes of Coordinated Entry. This policy governs the security for both organizations that directly access and enter data into AKHMIS and organizations that have access to that information through the Coordinated Entry processes.

    Updated January 2023.

    Alaska CoC Statewide Consumer Notice

    This Notice must be posted within any organization who has signed an Alaska CoC Statewide Interorganizational Data Sharing and Coordinated Services Agreement and is involved in the uses and disclosures of PPI covered under the Alaska CoC Statewide Privacy Policy. This Notice must be available for clients to see easily and intake staff are expected to explain it to clients as they seek services within the Alaska homeless services system.

    Alaska CoC Consumer Notice Information Script

    This Job Aid resource is for providers to use to explain the CoC Statewide Consumer Notice to clients using plain language.

    Updated February 2022.

Participating Covered Homeless Organizations (CHOs)

This is a list of organizations that have signed the Alaska CoC Statewide Interorganization Data Sharing and Coordinated Services Agreement. This list will be updated over time as more organizations learn the benefits of both AKHMIS and the Coordinated Entry Systems and participate in those processes.